Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

review 13

By : Marsigit
Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63), provides guidelines for the revitalization of mathematics education in the form of basic assumptions and their implications for learning mathematics as follows:
1.      Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships.
The implication of this view of learning are:
-          Gave students the opportunity to conduct discovery and investigation to determine patterns of relationships.
-          Provide an opportunity for students to perform experiments premises in various ways
-           Encourage students to discover the existence of the order, difference, comparison, grouping, etc..
-          Encourage students to draw general conclusions.
-          Helps students understand and discover the relationship between understanding one another.
2.      Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention.
The implication of this view of learning are:
-          Encourage the initiative and provide an opportunity to think differently.
-          Encourage curiosity, the desire to ask, denied the ability and the ability estimates.
-          Appreciate the unexpected discovery that as a matter of useful as an error.
-          Encourage students to discover the structure and design of mathematics.
-          Encourage students to appreciate the discovery of other students.
-          Encourage students to think reflexively.
-          Do not recommend the use of a particular method.
3.      Mathematics is problem solving activities
The implication of this view of learning are:
-          Provide an environment that stimulates learning math mathematical problem.
-          Helps students solve mathematical problem using his own way.
-          Help students find the information needed to solve mathematical problems.
-          Encourage students to think logically, consistently, systematically and develop a system of documentation / records.
-          Develop the ability and skills to solve problems.
-          Helps students know how and when to use various visual aids / media such as mathematics education: a compass, calculator, etc.
4.      Mathematics is a means of communicating
The implication of this view of learning are:
-          Encourage students to recognize the nature of mathematics.
-          Encourage students to make an example the nature of mathematics.
-          Encourage students to explain the nature of mathematics.
-          Encourage students to give reasons for the necessity of mathematical activities.
-          Encourage students to discuss mathematical problems.
-          Encourage students to read and write mathematics.
-          Respect the mother tongue of students in discussing mathematics.
5.      Mathematics Teaching Materials include:
-          Facts (facts): - information;-name;-term; convention
-          Understanding (concepts): building a sense of structure; role of understanding the structure; conservation, set, relationship patterns, sequences, models, operations, algorithms
-          Skills algorithms
-          Reasoning skills: understanding ; to think logically; understanding noodles negative example; think deduction; think systematically; think consistent; draw conclusions; determine the method; make excuses; determine strategy.
-          Problem-solving Skills
-          Skills Investigation (Investigation): ask questions and determine how to obtain it; create and test hypotheses; determine the appropriate information and provide an explanation why such information is needed and how to get it; collecting, collating and processing information systematically; grouping or classifying criterion; sort and compare; try another way; recognize patterns and relationships; conclude

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