Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Way of mathematic teaching traditional and inovative

Traditional teaching related to the teacher as controlling the learning environment. transfer of knowledge can only be said by the teacher or controlled by the teachers, and students just listen to what the teacher taught them. They regard the students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In contrast to innovative teaching, because the adaptation of innovative learning model of learning fun. Learning is fun is the key to which is applied in innovative learning. If the student has invested this in mind there will be no more students are passive in class, feeling pressured by the task deadline, the possibility of failure, lack of choice, and of course boredom. To be able to implement innovative learning teachers must be able to:
•    Understand the properties owned subsidiary,
•    Getting to know children as individuals,
•    Use the child's behavior in the organization of learning,
•    Develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem solving skills,
•    Develop a classroom as an engaging learning environment,
•    Make use of the environment as a learning resource,
•    Providing good feedback to enhance learning,
•    Differentiating between physically active and mentally active.
but the traditional methods are different by innovative methods that make students construct their own knowledge the teacher and the task of the teacher is to facilitate students. For the traditional mathematical methods only make mathematics itself as an object outside, but in innovative methods of mathematics or mathematical object is its own students. Innovative points in math teaching method is to make students active in student learning or the center of the learning and teaching and the teacher just facilitating them. To explore students' knowledge should be facilitated by good teachers to make students active in teaching and learning. This can also be performed in all general education not just for mathematics education

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