Oleh : Dr.
Marsigit, M.A.
National educational reform can be done at two levels of
macro and micro. At
the macro level, the national education reform must be able to renew the vision
and develop the educational paradigm and scrape out the constraints of
education by maintaining, improving quality, professionalism and community
towards the new Indonesia is Indonesia that is open, democratic and united. For
an educational practitioners (teachers), educational reform on a macro level as
to how things are beyond the reach of his thinking and his ability. However,
considering the education of teachers is a critical success, then teachers can
play a role object and subject of educational reform by improving the ability
to educate and manage the classroom. But
the fact is not easy because it educates students find that learning is not
easy. There
are still a considerable gap between educational ideals and practices in the
field. For
a student of mathematics is the lowest math scores is that if only his own use,
a higher value if the math can be used for public interest. But
the highest math scores is if it can be used systemically for the wider
interest. The
sharpness of the future of mathematics can wander through a teleological
concept that what happens in the future at least be photographed through the
present. Nevertheless
there are still other values that are related to levels of quality. At
first the quality of math scores is only visible on the outside, but on the
quality of the second and third and so on then the value of mathematics is
metaphysical. With
analog thinking then what happens to the disclosure of the value of mathematics
can be used also in the disclosure of the noble values of the nation. The
noble values can
be achieved again none other than merely by the method of translating and
translated from the context of the passage of time past, present, and future. This is
then known people with hermenitika method. In
the field of education, teachers need to continually evaluate deficiency or
excess of teaching in order to obtain information for improving teaching. For
that teachers need to receive encouragement and assistance of relevant parties,
especially the principal and school inspector, so that they can realize the
good teaching. A
teacher can reflect the style of teaching is good and if the teacher flexible
ways of organizing master classes, making use of teaching resources, the
achievement of teaching according to student ability, the development of
evaluation systems, the handling of individual differences, and the realization
of a particular teaching style according to the needs . Required
a 'political will' of the government to put education back to the essence of
'educate' in accordance with the essence of 'the subject of students' and the
nature of 'scientific', so that education is not only seen as something that is
'required' but something that is 'required' by the learner ,
so that education does not regard the subject of students as 'investment' as
the subject development but that needs to be 'developed'.