Minggu, 06 November 2011

review 21

By : Marsigit
Mathematics is a subject that is considered difficult by student, because mathematics uses some symbol that have not understood the student. Here, Teacher’s are required to increase the interest of student learn mathematics. It’s no easy, some teacher having problems’s :
1.      Understanding the meaning of theory
2.      Application of theory
3.      The system Used
4.      Environment condition
5.      Learning Fasilities
Teacher’s in Indonesian are still difficult to convey mathematics to student, because the character of student in defferent as well as physical and mental state of those who are different. As for some of the difficulties in conveying mathematics teacher is :
1.      To handle the different in their student mathematics skills
2.      To encourage students to active learn
3.      To develop technology learning mathematics
4.      NEM high achievement of target
5.      Teacher have no otjer alternative taching mathematics
In is this which student less like a lesson mathematics. So, teacher’s attempt to increase student interest in learning mathematics :
1.      To give student the chance to do discovery
2.      To provide for student to conduct experiment with various ways
3.      To encourage students to discover the sequence, difference, comparison, grouping,and etc.
4.      To encourage students to draw general conclusions.
5.      Help student to understand
6.      To encourage student iniriative
7.      To raise the curiosity of students
8.      To teach student to appreciate the discoveries of other
9.      To encourage student to think reflexif
10.  To develop student ability to solve problems in its own way
11.  To encourage student reading and writing mathematics
for students to love math then the learning of mathematics can be delivered demokrative, student centered, student initiative, studeny activity, orientation process and result, individual service, discussion, internal motivation, Fleksible, induktif, deduktif, assessment,and to serve.

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